The thought of eating what was once called trash food is not something that most people would find appealing. However, there are many that do and have made it one of their favorite fish choices.

What is Trash Fish?

Years back Pollock was a species of fish that was considered to be a trash fish. At least until one innovative thinker took on the mission to change this perception.

With some hard work and persuasion, he convinced several restaurants to add this fish to their menu. Those that did were most impressed because it soon became a favorite and it wasn’t long before word spread. As a result of this trash fish transition, one average individual into a majority owner of a $1.1bn business entity.

Other Trash Fish

The Pollock is not the only fish that comes into the trash fish category. They are also referred to as garbage fish. Some of the common ones are:

  • Gar: These fish do not fall into the gamefish categories, so they have been placed under the title of trash fish. However, they do put up a good fight when an angler lands on their line. Also, there are some people who think that Garfish are suitable for eating.
  • Freshwater Drum: Another fish high up on the list of trash fish unsuitable for eating. Again there are some that disagree with this and have reported that they are quite tasty. For anglers that are looking for a fish that will put up a good fight then they may want to set out with the intention of landing these. If eating them is not a desirable thought then catch and release should be the practice.

Bowfin: This is not a fish that many will eat although there are a select few that will give them a try. When it comes to a fighting fish, they know how to hold their own. Their meal of choice is minnows along with other types of bait. They are not known to pass up lures either.

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